If you have corrections, additions, or other items that you think should be included in this guide, please e-mail them to Nancy Lethcoe, and they will be reviewed, addressed and updated if deemed necessary on the updates and corrections site, with credit given to you. Thank you
brianna0000@yahoo.com We hope you enjoy our Cruising Guide.
Topography 2
Earthquakes 3
Implications for the Mariner 3
Glaicers & Fiords 4
Implications for the Mariner 5
Icebergs 7
Implications for the Mariner 7
General Climate 8
Precipitation 8
Wind Patterns East & West 9
Local Winds 10
Implications for the Mariner 12
Waves 12
Implications for the Mariner 12
Weather Forecasts 13
Foul Weather 13
Fog 14
Implications for the Mariner 14
Mirages 14
Winter Climate & Weathers 15
Winds 15
Choosing a Place to Anchor 15
Winter Travel 16
Storm Surges 18
Implications for the Mariner 18
Tidal Currents 18
Implications for the Mariner 19
Tidelines 19
Birds 20
Bird Watching 20
Bird Nesting 22
Marine Mammals 22
Protecting out Marine Environment 24
Effects of Oil 24
Used Oil Collection 24
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill 24
Plastic and Garbage 24
Human Wastes 24
Shoreside Activities 25
Water 25
Camping 25
Hiking 25
Historic Ruins 25
Land Ownership 25
State of Alaska 26
Chugach National Forest 26
Native Corporation Land 26
Boating Risks 27
Reducing Risks 27
Boating Organizations 27
Boating Information 29
Navigation & Charts 29
Required Coast Guard Equipment 31
Survival Gear & PDFs 31
Additional Equipment 32
Making Kayaks Visable 33
Request for Assistance 34
Rescue Services 34
Abandoning Ship 34
Cold water Immersion 34
Before Abandoning Ship 34
Jumping into the Water 34
In the Water 34
Treating the victim 35
Boating Accident Reports 35
Skippers 36
Passengers & Crew 37
Capsizing 38
Collisions 38
With other boats 38
After a Collision with another boat 39
With fishing gear 39
With Icebergs 40
With jellyfish 40
With Logs & Deadheads 40
With Rocks 40
Dead in the Water 41
Faulty Maintenance 42
Impure Fuel 42
Running out of Fuel 42
Responding to Loss of Power 42
Fouled Prop 42
Falling Overboard 43
Fire 43
Fire Prevention 44
Responding to a Fire 44
Foundering or Swamping 45
Grounding 45
Sinking 46
Struck by a Summerged object 47
Towing 47
Medical Emergencies 47
Common Health Problems 47
Bug Bites 47
Burns 47
Burns from Fires 48
Contusions and bruises 48
Fish wounds 48
Goardia 48
Head Injuries 48
Hypothermia 48
Immersion or Trench Foot 49
Jellyfish Stings 49
Lacerations 49
Paralytic Shellfish poisoning 49
Puncture Wounds 50
Sunburn 50
Mooring Bouys 50
Safe Anchoring 51
Suitable Anchors 51
Anchoring Equipment 51
Steps in Anchoring 52
Anchoring 52
Anchoring in Stormy Weather 53
Stuck of Fouled Anchors 54
Winter Lay-up 54
Fig. 1. 1964 Earthquake: land Changes 4
Fig. 2. Blacial Landforms 5
Fig. 3. Behavior of ice-calving glaciers 6
Fig. 4. Classification of Icebergs 7
Fig. 5. Williwaws formation 10
Fig. 6. Wind: Selecting and Anchorage 11
Fig. 7. Glacier Breezes 12
Fig. 8. Weather Buoys 13
Fig. 9. Wind and Sea Conditions 14
Fig. 10. Superstructure icing 16
Fig. 11. Tidal Currents in Passages 18
Fig. 12. Time of Slack Water 18
Fig. 13. Land Managers: Native 26
Fig. 14. Land Managers: public 26
Fig. 15. Types of Accidents in Alaska 28
Fig. 16. NOAA Charts 31
Fig. 17. MAYDAY Call 33
Fig. 18. MAYDAY Response 33
Fig. 19. Ranking of Alaska Boating Accidents 38
Anchorage Area Charts 58
Safe Anchoring 51
Alphabetical index of anchorages 200