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Crow Pass Trail (Girdwood - Eagle River) 26 mi

Erin and I took a trip out west a couple of summers ago to attend another friends wedding. We took our time along the way. We stopped off at wall drug in South Dakota. We got hailed on at Mt. Rushmore and had some trouble finding a camping site that night. We continued our trip through Wyoming to Colorado. This picture was taken at Longs Peak Campground. The campground is at over 2000 ft elevation. We then drove north to Montana where we reached our destination (Flat Head Lake). We stayed in a campground on the North Eastern side of the lake. It was very beautiful. After the wedding we drove the 1000 miles back to MN in one day.
Traveling with Jeremy and Ben is a blast. This picture was taken up Boulder canyon in Boulder Colorado. I have been on a few climbing trips with Jeremy all have been great expierences. Our last adventure brought us to the top of the Grand Teton. It was my first alpine expierence. Thats one of the great things about being in Jeremy's presence he is always pushing me to be better at what I'm doing, and it's always in a fun, laidback, and safe way.
Last Updated: 10/02/05